Good to U Auto Center is marking their 25th year anniversary with a special yearlong campaign of customer and public education on the dangers of distracted driving.
In the 25 years since Dean Good founded his automotive business, there have been any number of challenges for the industry and for small business in general. Despite them all, Good to U Auto Center, LLC has grown from a one-man operation to a thriving enterprise that employs nine full and part-time employees at two locations. The quarter century mark is certainly a cause for celebration, but it is also a time for reflection on the direction the company should take for the future. There have been great advances in automotive safety through the years, and Good to U has always taken pride in their record of offering safe, dependable vehicles to their customers. But it is clear that this is no longer enough. According to reliable research, thousands are killed and tens of thousands injured by Distracted Driving in this country each year.
These statistics resonate personally with the Good family as a result of the tragic accident in 2008 that claimed the lives of family members, Jay and Jean Good, and prompted Dean’s niece, Jacy, to establish the Hang Up and Drive Foundation™. It is clear to Dean, and everyone at Good to U, that offering safe and dependable vehicles is now only the first step in insuring the long-term security of their customers.
Good to U Auto Center will be joining in the effort to stop senseless traffic deaths and injuries caused by distracted driving. Every vehicle sold will carry a visor card of Hang Up and Drive™ Safety Tips. Each customer will be given a “Drive now, Text later!” bumper sticker. This bumper sticker on a vehicle helps other drivers get the message. Peer pressure is proven to be the best deterrent…even if it is self-imposed! Good to U Auto Center will also be offering our Distracted Driving Visor Cards and Text Later bumper stickers to local schools, and community organizations, free of charge, to serve as visual aids in the education of current and future drivers. These materials will also be available, without obligation, to any member of the public at the New Holland or Akron locations.
It is hoped that these efforts will result in drivers of all ages thinking twice before they are tempted to engage in Distracted Driving. Good to U’s 25th Anniversary year is dedicated to launching this effort and their future will be committed to continuing it.
If you would like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview with Good to U Auto Center, LLC, please call Martha Good at (717) 859-2800, or e-mail at